Things to know when renting an apartment in a new country

Roshane De Silva
2 min readJan 14, 2020

Moving to a new country is always exciting, isn’t it? Starting fresh and finding a place to call home. Some may say that the whole apartment hunting process can be daunting, but if you do it right then things will be a whole lot easier.

That was what we felt when we packed up and moved 9000 miles from South Asia to the USA. Here are some of the things we did during our move that will be helpful to you.

  • Take time to research

Researching for a good apartment is crucial if you want to find a place that fits your requirements. Have at least 4–5 apartments looked up in case one doesn’t work out. Sometimes the one you have your mindset on may not be up to your expectations.

Other things to consider — Safety of the neighborhood

Square feet of the apartment

Transportation modes

Distance to the nearest grocery store, train/bus stop, etc

  • Don’t believe what you see in pictures

Pictures can be deceiving. The photos on the rental sites are there to grab your attention. It doesn’t necessarily mean that is how the apartment looks like. So make sure to physically inspect the apartment when you move to the country before signing the lease.

  • Don’t rush into a decision

The landlord/Real Estate Agent might smooth talk you into renting an apartment you’re not sure of. The place might seem great but if it doesn’t suit your budget or any other requirement then don’t hesitate to say ‘No’. Once you sign that lease, you are bound to stay at the place for at least one whole year. Don’t rush and regret it because there is no turning back for a long time.

  • Know the neighborhood

After you make your choice, take a stroll around the neighborhood to get a feel of the place and gauge the time it takes to get from the apartment to other places

  • Clear communication with the landlord/rental agency

Make sure you know the terms and conditions before signing the lease. Read the small prints carefully. One example would be to check with the authorities if utility payments are covered in the rent or if you need to pay separately. This is so that you won’t face any nasty surprises later.

Photo by Jose Alonso on Unsplash

These are our lessons learned when moving here. Did you experience things differently? Are there any tips I missed out? Let me know in the comments below :)

